Happy August!
There is a lot happening at the OKC Metro Knit Guild. Thanks for being a part of our meeting today. Here’s what happened….
******************* Reports **************************
Charity Knitting (Carolyn Faircloth)
* Kathy Knox has stepped down from chairing this committee. We appreciate all the work she has done this year in this area and look forward to having her back in the chair position at a later time.
* Linda Pahdoco volunteered to take over this area. We welcome Linida and her many talents!
Charity Knitting Notebook: With the switchover in committee chair, our pattern notebook was not available today. It will be back at the meeting next week.
Guild Library (Bethany)
Reviewed some of the books we have in our Guild library. If you would like to view what is available, you can go to http://www.okcknitlibrary.blogspot/. If you would like Bethany to bring anything specific to a guild meeting, just let her know.
Beginner Knitting/Social Committee (Terri Derrick)
· Recapped our World Wide Knit In celebration.
· Beginner’s Kits: We are in need of size 8 or bigger needles.
· Gave out two beginner’s kits at the meeting (Hooray!!)
Finances (Keela Mostek)
* Financial update
* Passed out membership packets
Secretary (Brenda Asher)
New website is still being worked on.
********** Old Business **************************
Profile Sheets: If you haven’t filled one out, be sure to do so at the next meeting
2008 Educational Programs: We have gotten a lot of suggestions for topics next year. Carolyn is working on a schedule and getting it all blocked out for next year.
By-Laws & Member Packets: Packets were handed out to everyone who has voluntarily contributed $5 or more to the Guild. If you have contributed money but were not able to get to the meeting today, we will have the packet for you at next month’s meeting.
**************** New Business ***************************
Holiday Party: Begin thinking about what you all would like to do for our Holiday Party. If you have any suggestions, let Terri Derrick know.
***** Educational Program: Janice Robinson ******
Wow! This presentation was great! Janice owns an alpaca farm just out of Oklahoma City. She showed us pictures of all of her alpacas and talked to us about the shearing process, how it goes to the mill, and comes back. She also showed us some things that were made with yarn made from alpacas.