Welcome Spring!
It was great to see everyone Sunday at our meeting. We had 18 members and 1 new person who came to learn, knit, and have fun. There was a lot of good discussion as we met over different issues and Carolyn Faircloth gave a great presentation where many of us learned a new pattern. It was a great meeting and I am very grateful to be a part of a wonderful group of people. Have a great month and knit, knit, knit!
Brenda Asher
************************ Committee Reports ******************************
Charity Knitting (Linda P)
For the month of February, we had to following charity items turned in:
* 17 hats
* 1 hat and bootie set
* 5 blankets & buntings
* 1 hat and sweater
* 1 bear - fully dressed!!
Don't forget, we have yarn and patterns available for anyone who needs them. Let's see if we can shoot for 35 items and 2 bears in April
This month we had a drawing for those people who brought something to donate to our charities. Everyone got to put their name in for each item they brought. Our winner was Sara Braden! Sara won a $10 gift certificate to use at the Gourmet Yarn. Congratulations Sara. And thanks to everyone who brought something.
Library (Bethany M)
Don't forget that the Guild has knitting books that you can check out at any time. Bethany has been working on updating the Guild's Library website. Take a look and see if there is anything you would like for her to bring to the next meeting. If you have a book that you would like to see if our library, let Bethany know.
Beginner's Knitting (Terri D)
At this time, we are doing good on supplies for our Beginner's kits. However, if you have needles, totes, or knitting accessories you would like to donate, we will gladly take them. We are currently looking at how to make the beginner's kits better and with more information about knitting. If you have any "how-to" books that you no longer use or beginning knitting CDs/DVDs, we would love to include them in the beginner's kits. We are also going to start putting in simple patterns that they can work on. Several members also suggested that we start a 'buddy' system with our new knitters. The buddy would be available to answer any questions the new knitter might have in between meetings. If you would be interested in being a buddy, let Terri or Brenda know.
Educational Committee
We are sooo excited! Jo Ellyn has volunteered to be on our Educational Committee. During this next year, we hope to have at least one major educational event. We need other volunteers so we can have the best ideas and support to put together some great events. Jo Ellyn is also willing to help anyone doing a presentation with their handout. Thanks for all you do Jo Ellyn!
***************************************** Old Business **************************************
Fundraiser Ideas
50/50: Anita brought up a great idea for a fundraiser at our February meeting. Each month, we will have a "Knitty Kitty" where members can donate any amount of money they choose. When a member puts some money in the Kitty, they will get a ticket. At the end of the meeting, a ticket will be drawn. The winning ticket will get half of the money that is in the Kitty. The rest of the money will go into the Guild's account. We will try this for a few months to see how it goes. Thanks Anita for a great and fun idea!
Christmas Craft Fair: Another idea that was brought up at our February meeting was to hold a Craft Fair in November or December for our members. We did not get a chance to talk about this at our meeting, so be thinking more about it. We'll discuss it next month.
International Knit In Public Day
The date for the International Knit in Public Day has been finally announced - Saturday, June 14th. Discussion was held to see if we still wanted to do ours on June 21 or change it to the 14th. We also discussed the best place to stage our knit out. Places like the mall, parks, and the library were all discussed. At this time, a decision hasn't been made. We are asking for members to 'scout' around for a very busy place to have our knit day. Further discussion will take place at our next meeting. If you have any ideas, be sure to bring them in April.
****************************** New Business *************************************
Multiple Meetings
One member brought up the question last month as to why we only meet once a month. I wasn't able to answer that question because in the year and a half that I have been a member, we have always met once a month. The discussion was brought before the members as to how they felt about having just one monthly meeting and if they would be interested in having more during the meeting. Members brought up concerns such as time factors and higher gas prices. Many members cited concerns that more meetings would fragment the group. Several also mentioned that they were already involved in smaller private knitting groups that meet at other times. After much discussion, it was the consensus of the group that the Guild just has one meeting time each month.
*************************************** Educational Presentation *************************
Carolyn Faircloth gave a wonderful presentation on the English Diamond Quilting pattern. Carolyn used a sample kit that can be obtained from The Knitting Guild Association. If you missed this and would like a copy of the pattern, see Carolyn.
Next Month: Getting Gauge - Jo Ellyn Wheeler
********************** April Beginning Knitting Volunteers ******************
Melissa Ryan and Sara Braden