Monday, December 22, 2008

Volume 3, Issue 9, December 14, 2008

From our President:

Holiday Greetings to all….
I hope that this finds all of you sitting inside where it is warm and cozy with your knitting needles and yarn. I have lived here in Oklahoma for 33 years now and am still amazed at how the weather changes so quickly.

I want to thank to all of you who came for our Holiday meeting today. We had about 18 people and lots of food. It was nice to see some familiar faces back among us again.

Anita did a great job with her presentation on deciphering knitting patterns. With a few cute stories, she coached us as we read through various types of instructions. Thanks so much Anita for sharing your sense of humor and knowledge with us!

Over the last 12 months, we have had a wonderful year of presentations. Each person has worked hard on their presentations showing their creativity and knowledge. As we go into the 2009 year, it proves to be even more promising. I am very excited about the two projects we will be doing this next year – socks and sweaters. I hope that you can be a part of these projects as well as our other monthly presentations.

In closing, I want to remind you that we will be electing two new officers in January. We will need a Vice-President and a Treasurer. Nominations will be open until January 10th. If you are interested or know someone who would be great in either of these two offices, please let me know.

Until next month….and next year…..happy knitting!

Brenda Asher

P.S. For those of you who were at the meeting today…I actually have half of my scarf completed. I went to a movie tonight and guess what I did during the movie? Yep! I worked on the scarf AND a vest I had in the bag too. Maybe I will get a project done yet!!! (smile)


Brenda called the meeting to order and welcomed one new visitor, Bertha who was interested in charity knitting. We went around the room to show and share what we were working on.


Keela gave the treasurer's report, stating that it was identical to last month's report as there were no dues paid in and no expenses for the month. The guild treasury stands at $708.97.

Linda reported on the charity knitting projects, and the need for more bears was discussed with several ideas for obtaining them for our knitters to dress. It was reported that the NICU at Integris will continue to be the main recipient of the baby items our guild knits for charity.


Brenda led the discussion of next year's presentations. All members were encouraged to take a handout in order to plan for the upcoming year's projects. We are excited about the new format, which will include taking several months to complete a project from start to finish. The new year looks to be very interesting as well as educational.

Guild members were reminded to bring their knitting journals and tips for organizing yarns, needles, patterns, etc. in January.


In new business, nominations were taken for Vice President and Treasurer during the meeting; however, nominations remain open until January 10th, so if you are interested in either position, please let one of the officers know by email.


Anita Roesler gave a program on how to read knitting patterns. She began by reading an outlandish knitting pattern that made us all laugh. She gave several examples of confusing knitting instructions, and then clarified the language so that the directions made sense. She gave out a handout of 'standard' (well, as standard as one can be in the knit world) abbreviations. The last page had links with helpful hints to interpret knitting directions.


Following the program, we had our annual Holiday party, with all manner of delicious goodies, a rousing game of dirty Santa, and a great time was had by all.

We look forward to seeing all of you on January 18!